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Product Description

Evaporative Emission control systems have undergone numerous changes over the last 20 years due to ever-tightening government regulations. The MIL light is usually the only indication of an EVAP fault and it can come on with even the slightest of leaks. This class will focus on the principles behind the EVAP onboard diagnostics and empower you to be able to solve problems regardless of the various systems you encounter. You will be able to get that light to go out and stay out.

The goal of this class is to prepare the aftermarket technician to diagnose and repair evaporative system failures regardless of the type of system being used. Technicians will understand the theory behind evaporative system operation and how various methods and devices are used to satisfy government regulations concerning leak detection and more.

After completing this class, the technician will be able to:

  • Identify the difference between pressure and vacuum
  • Understand pressure differences across an evaporative system
  • Understand the purpose and operation of the evaporative system
  • Explain the difference between various system types
  • Use multiple methods of leak detection on any system
  • Explain how evaporative systems operate on a turbocharged engine


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